I grew up in Paterson, New Jersey. Biggest influence in my life have always been my parents. Watching both parents’ resilience to make things work financially while caring for me and my siblings gave me a great appreciation of traditional family values and the value of hard work.

At 18, I enlisted with the Marines. What a character defining period of time for me! That time of my life opened up my world and gave me a chance to travel much and far to meet a diverse group of people. I am thankful for the experience and the relationship that formed along the way.

And now here I am starting El Maestro 35. El Maestro was what we called my Dad way back when during the old days in Paterson. He may be gone but a strong strain of that resilient, hardworking spirit lives on in me. So here I am and here is El Maestro 35 - a business built upon the passion for woodworking, an appreciation of the raw materials, the respect for the creative process and the trust that the amalgamation of all these things will ultimately create a beautiful product with a functional purpose.

Very nice to meet you all!